
Secondary School Compositions (S1-S4)

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Secondary School Compositions (S1-S4)

Secondary School Compositions (S1-S4)

Our Secondary School Compositions course focuses on developing students’ writing skills across various composition types. Through engaging lessons and practical exercises, students will enhance their composition writing abilities and explore different writing formats.

Key Components of the Course:

  1. Writing and Formatting of Narrative Composition:
    • Learn how to analyze composition prompts, select appropriate content, and structure narrative compositions effectively.
  2. Descriptive and Argumentative Compositions:
    • Master the techniques for writing descriptive and argumentative compositions.
    • Develop the ability to express ideas clearly and persuasively.
  3. General Reviews for Newspaper Articles:
    • Learn the art of writing general reviews for newspaper articles.
    • Develop critical thinking skills and express personal opinions effectively.
  4. Email Writing:
    • Explore the writing conventions of practical emails, including personal and official business emails.
    • Acquire the skills to communicate effectively in written correspondence.
  5. Exploring Popular Life and Current Affairs Topics:
    • Engage in discussions and debates on popular life and current affairs topics.
    • Enhance critical thinking and broaden knowledge on contemporary issues.
中学华文写作课程 (S1-S4)
  1. 记叙文(命题作文)的审题、选材和布局:
    • 学习如何分析作文命题,选择适当的内容,并有效组织记叙文的结构。
  2. 议论文、描写文的写作方法:
    • 掌握写作议论文和描写文的技巧。
    • 培养清晰表达观点和有说服力的能力。
  3. 如何写报章新闻的读报感想:
    • 学习如何撰写报章新闻的读报感想。
    • 培养批判性思维能力,有效表达个人观点。
  4. 如何写实用文(电邮),即私人电邮、公务电邮的写法:
    • 探索实用文(电邮)的写作约定,包括私人电邮和公务电邮。
    • 掌握书面信函中有效沟通的技巧。
  5. 热门生活/时事话题的讨论:
    • 参与对热门生活和时事话题的讨论和辩论。
    • 提升批判性思维,拓宽对当代问题的知识视野。