
Home | 黄敬哲


  • 来自中国北京大学
  • 哲学系博士

黄老师本科毕业于中国清华大学汉语言文学专业,硕博毕业于中国北京大学哲学专业,并且在新加坡接受了国立教育学院的师范专业研究生教育,曾经在本地中学担任华文老师,有5 年的本地教学经验。随着在新加坡多源流教育体系之下的5 年教学经历,黄老师愈加深刻地体会到别化教学的必要性,以及必然与之相伴相生的挑战性;尽管如此,黄老师相信个别化教学绝不是将个别化的学生更进一步个别化,而是根据他们个别化的需求,极力寻求以个别化方式将他们导向同一终极目标的可能性。



Ms. Wong obtained her B.A. Degree from Tsinghua University of China, specializing in Chinese Language & Literature, and her M.A. and PhD. Degrees in Philosophy from Peking University of China, and further qualified in education professional with a Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDE) from the National Institute of Education of Singapore. With 5 years of teaching in local secondary schools, encountering the various students under Singapore education streaming system, Ms. Wong realized more and more the necessity of individualized teaching, and meanwhile, the challenge. At the same time, Ms. Wong believes individualized teaching is not to let the various students further differentiated, but to seek the possibility of developing the adapted methods to lead them into same path.

  • Let us adapt ourselves and our methods to the differing needs of our students. The same medicine is not to be applied to all, although to all the same love is due. —— St. Augustine